Excellent Boarding School

Hunting Tourist

On May 14th, 2015, the students of grade 7th Islamic Junior High School of Permata Hati held touring to Yogyakarta. It is called “Hunting Tourist”. It is because they must make conversation and practice their English with the foreign tourist who came to Yogyakarta. ‘Hunting Tourist’ is annual agenda of Islamic Junior High School of Permata Hati. To make easier in making the conversation, the students were divided into some groups.
We went to Yogyakarta at 06.00 in the morning. It took 4 hours until we arrived to Yogyakarta. The first destination is Keraton Yogyakarta. Before entering the Keraton the teacher gave instruction to find at least 5 foreign tourists with its videos. After that, the students separated and Hunting Tourist was begun.
tudents were so enthusiasm. When they saw a foreign tourist, they approached him/her directly. Some of foreign tourists allowed the students to have an interview, it made the students happy and they talked actively. First of all, the students had to introduce themselves, and then they began to ask about foreign tourist’s name, country where they come from, how long they are in Indonesia, until their favorite, such as; hobby, Indonesian food, place in Yogyakarta, etc. While the other student recorded in a video. The last, they asked to take picture with the foreign tourist. They did the same things to the other foreign tourist until they got 5 tourists.

In the other hand, several foreign tourists refused them. It made the students disappointed, and it was the teacher’s duty to make the students find their spirit again to look for the other foreign tourists. As the result, each group can complete 5 videos and its pictures.
Hunting Tourist lasted for 2 hours. When the time was up, the teacher gave the instruction to all of the students to go out from Keraton Yogyakarta and went to Mosque to pray together. After that the teachers and the students had lunch and rest for a moment.

At 13.30 WIB, the students were allowed to visit Malioboro. They walked to Malioboro and they were so enthusiasm although the sun was so bright and the weather was so hot. At the Malioboro, most of students bought t-shirt as the souvenir. At 15.30, all students backed to the bus and they were ready to go to our last destination that was Gembira Loka Zoo.

Hunting tourist is unforgettable experience. The students have amazing experience to talk with the foreign tourist. They were so happy. The teachers were also proud of them with their brave and their enthusiasm so, all of the agenda run well. Thank you so much to our principal, Muhammad Al Akhyar who have support our agenda. Hope the next Hunting Tourist will be more interesting.
(By. English Teacher Ustadzah Yuli Hartati, S.Pd Ustadzah Fevi Kurniawati, S.Pd)

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Buah dari usaha dan do’a memang sangat manis rasanya

Buah dari usaha dan do’a memang sangat manis rasanya, ya itu mungkin kata yang tepat untuk momen kali ini, Alhamdulillah kehadirat allah swt, sehingga anak-anak kami kembali menorehkan prestasi lagi diajang perlombaan siswa berprestasi dan lomba KKR.

Dalam ajang lomba siswa berprestasi SMP IT Permata Hati diwakili Oleh Hilmi (Putra) dan Alya Yuvida (Putri), keduanya mampu menembus babak 10 besar namun bagi kami itu merupakan suatu kebanggan. karena mungkin  tidak setiap sekolah dari kedua perwakilannya mampu menembus 10 besar. Terlebih lagi ananda hilmi mampu meraih juara 2 itu sungguh luar biasa meskipun tidak sesuai dengan yang kami targetkan ya itu juara 1. Tetapi apa daya allah swt berkehendak lain, meskipun begitu kami sampaikan terimakasih kepada ananda hilmi dan alya yuvida yang telah berjuang diajang lomba siswa berprestasi “Terus Semangat ya nak, belajar yang rajin dan terus lah dekat dengan allah semoga menjadi orang sukses dan sholeh sholehah teruslah mengukir prestasi” itu lah do’a yang selalu kami panjatkan untuk hilmi, alya yuvida dan siswa yang lain.

Gb.1 Ananda Hilmi menerima piala dan piagam di pendopo kab. Banjarnegara
Sekali lagi selamat untuk ananda hilmi dan alya yuvida.

Gb. 2 Wijil puspita jati sbg juara 1 lomba KKR Putri kec. Madukara menyerahkan piala kepada sekolah yang di wakili wakil kepala Sekolah Ustadz Priyono,S.Pd
Gb.3 Yahya Baihaqi juara lomba KKR Putra Kec. Madukara menyerakan piala kepada sekolah yang diwakili Wakil Kepala Sekolah Ustadz Priyono, S,Pd
Selain diajang lomba siswa berprestasi anak-anak kami juga menorehkan prestasi di ajang lomba KKR Kader Kesehatan Remaja tingkat kecamatan madukara yang di wakili Oleh Ananda Yahya baihaqi dan wijil puspita jati, keduanya mampu merebut juara satu. Kami sangat bangga kepada ananda semua. dan pada hari pendidikan nasional penyerahan piala kepada sekolah yang pada kesempatan itu diterima oleh wakil kepala sekolah ya itu Ustadz Priyono,S.Pd. dalam sambutanya beliau juga berpesan untuk siswa-siswi SMPIT Permata Hati agar semua siswa-siswi mampu menorehkan prestasi dibidang yang dikuasainya dan selalu taat kepada allah swt karena dengan Ridho allah swt kita bisa meraih hasil yang terbaik.
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